Since I will be out of town next Tuesday, I went over to the Municipal Building today and voted. It was a pretty easy process and I got the fun sticker to the left well ahead of all of my friends.
Random thoughts on technology, business and life by someone who appreciates a good rubber chicken and well-behaved Australian Shepherds. Views expressed are strictly my own.
It's official. I've cancelled my entry in the NYC Marathon.
I don't know why I held out this long even though I've known for two months that it wasn't going to happen.
I went for a 5k run Tuesday for the first time in weeks and my legs are still hurting. The foot feels OK though, so that is a plus. The four miler with my daughter tomorrow should be interesting.
Maybe next year...
This chart shows the S&P 500 for my working career from late 1993 to now. I've been putting money in VFINX, which is a mutual fund that tracks this index as long as I've been earning it.
It's been a rough ride recently and I didn't even bother to open the last statement from Vanguard and it is even worse now since the statement was from the end of September.
I do feel for those who are getting ready to retire now, but for those of us with 30 years to go, it's an opportunity to buy low (and maybe even lower as it all pans out). I'm going to try to worry about something else now.