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Wednesday, August 3, 2011


Spent the day doing a little tutorial with a client on SAP PI. We are running the test systems on AWS and they work pretty well, but we keep running into some annoying problems with the ESB which is a JNLP application. When you try to launch it, it gives an error about the JAR files being signed by different certificates. I had already applied patches to the AWS image that was supposed to fix it, but it doesn't seem to stick.

The fix is to go into Administration on the Process Integration page then to the Repository tab and pick the Java Web Start Administration link. From there click the Restore Archives and Generate New Signatures button and then click the Execute link towards the top of the page. This will open up a page that tells you to wait and kick off a process to resign all of the archives. Open up the process monitor on the system and wait for a couple of minutes until the JAR signing process stops (it will take a minute or two) and then try the Execute link again. It should launch the ESB application. If it doesn't work, rinse and repeat.

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