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Monday, February 11, 2008

No heat, light, Internet or coffee

Roanoke had a pretty significant windstorm yesterday and last night. I didn't realize how signficant until I read the news report this morning. Since we are one of the 80,000 without power and I work at home, I had to find an alternate worksite. Somewhere with heat, light, an Internet connection and, most importantly, coffee.

Those criteria match a few places, but Starbucks is the closest. Since my company subscribes to T-Mobile Total Internet, I figured I would use my account to access the hot spot there and be able to work in a super-caffineated haze for the day. But, my account wouldn't work. I tried a couple of times and then called tech support. It turns out that we migrated all of our corporate accounts to one account on Friday and T-Mobile had to reset our connections. It takes up to 48 hours to become active again (which answered the question I had last night about why my T-Mobile Connection Card would not connect in the dark and cold house last night).

At this point, I ponied up the $9.99 for a day pass and got to work. Now if only I could stop shaking.

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